Ivano Vitali

List of sculptures  


1 -  “Combinazioni” -  artwork/knitted peace of newspapers and ball to be added to giant wooden knitting needles

2 – “Tape-stry  6 rosso”  - Sculptural red artwork/wall hanging made out of recycled periodicals

3 – “Tape-stry 5 blu” -  Blue artwork/wall hanging made out of recycled periodicals

4 – “Tape-stry 7 giallo”  - Artwork/wall hanging made out of yellow pages

5 – “Tape-stry 10 Italia Oggi” - Sculptural artwork/wall hanging made out of recycled periodicals

6 – “Guanto grigio” - Sculptural artwork large gray glove knitted out of recycled periodicals

7 – “Gomitolo La Repubblica" - artwork/ giant knitting ball made with  newspaper “La Repubblica”

8 – “Gomitolo Italia Oggi" - artwork/medium yellow knitting ball made with the newspaper “Italia oggi”

9 – “Gomitolo Giornale dell’ Arte" -  artwork/medium knitting ball made with the magazine “Il giornale dell’arte”

10 – “Gomitolo La Repubblica" - artwork/giant knitting ball made with the newspaper “La Repubblica”

11 – “Gomitolo rosso” - artwork/ red knitting ball made with red newspaper advertisement

13 – “Gomitolo La Nazione" - artwork/giant pink knitting ball made with the newspaper  “La Nazione”

14 – “Gomitolo Il sole 24 ore" - artwork/giant pink knitting ball made with the newspaper “Il sole 24 ore”

12 – “Gomitolo viola” - artwork/ purple knitting ball made with purple newspaper advertisements

16 – “Gomitolo Specchio+” - artwork/ ball made with the  magazine “Specchio+”

15 – “Gomitolo snals” - artwork/ball made of an Italian association newspaper

17 – “Gomitolo  Il Firenze" - artwork/giant grey knitting ball made with the newspaper “Il Firenze”

18 – “Poncho” - Wearable artwork Poncho made out of recycled periodicals

19 – “Maxi guanto Il sole 24 ore" - artwork/ giant pink glove knitted out of the  newspaper “Il sole 24 ore”

20 – “Guanto giallo” - Sculptural artwork large yellow glove knitted out of recycled periodicals

21 – “Tapestry Il Sole 24 ore" - Artwork/wall hanging made out of recycled periodicals

22 – “Blue Anne” - Sculptural artwork, dresses made from recycled periodicals

23 – “Rosa Bomb-on” - Sculptural artwork, dresses made from recycled periodicals

24 – “Kimono” - Sculptural artwork, dresses made from recycled periodicals

25 – “Ginger” -  Sculptural artwork, dresses made from recycled periodicals       

26 – “Centro con la pubblicità blù” -  artwork : blue giant doily crocheted in newspaper blue advertisements

27 – “Centro il sole” -  artwork: pink giant doily crocheted in newspaper thread “Il sole 24 ore”

28 – “Centro Italia Oggi  - artwork/yellow giant doily in newspaper thread”Italia oggi”

29 – “Centro di quotidiani”  -  artwork/grey giant doily crocheted in newspaper

30 – “Centro la Gazzetta dello sport” - artwork/ bright pink giant doily crocheted with “La Gazzetta dello sport”

31 – “Centro con la pubblicità scura” -  artwork/darkgrey giant doily crocheted in dark grey newspaper

32 -  “Calzino” - Sculptural artwork  large sock knitted out of recycled periodicals

33  - “Maxi-calzino Il Firenze" -  Sculptural artwork large sock knitted out of recycled periodicals

34  - “Ferri da maglia con gomitolo” -  artwork: knitting needles with  newspaper thread                      

35 - “Uncinetto con gomitolo”  - artwork giant crochet with newspaper knitting ball

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